2 Dec 2023, 10:40:41 pm
Post: 54/104

As promised, we have done a game update, which should have improved some of the game play.

At present, what has been released as of today is:

•New Game Logo for Xmas.

•Snow applied for the festive period.

•Updated housing structure.

•Jobs payouts have been updated to align with game economy and play.

•Lottery costs/payouts have been updated to align with game economy and play.

•Dailies have been updated to align with game economy and play.

•Referral and Bring Back player rewards have been updated to align with game economy and play.

•Upgrade page has been updated.

•New arena mod has been released with new categorises.

•Another 2k operations released.

•Gang territories upgraded to 15% from 5%.

•New Prestige levels (6/ 7 and 8).

•Character accounts introduced for Prestige Level 6.
This will allow you to create and grow another account alongside your main.

•Skills have been updated to align with game economy and play.
Max Skills and Skills Points per prestige level (upped from 40% to 60%)

•Gang Houses mod has been added to gangs – we will add property to buy there soon.

•City page updated.

Future Add-Ons

This is not everything, but we cannot release everything at once as we migrate and update which I am sure you can appreciate. This means that some of the new add-ons will have to be released over the course of the month. This will also give us time to test and plug any issues as we release, we will need your help with this.

We will be adding to this list as you suggest new things. We have already made note on some stuff. This is not the final list of updates to come, anything not on the list will come in the months to follow.

December's release include:

•Gang Colour Tags.

•Add Gang houses.

•Gang Grounds – a new gang feature.

•New Achievements.

•New Park Mod –daily challenges. (No more sharing answers)

•New festive items.

•New house schedule for 2024.

*Hopefully you will like the new features and the plan for the future. Any questions let me know.*


CW Staff
